WRC 2012 Agenda Items for WP 3L

Ionospheric propagation and radio noise

The list below shows all the WRC 2012 Agenda Items for which this group is involved. Click on an Agenda Item or Resolution to get more information about which Visualyse product could be useful, and how Transfinite consultants can assist in studying this problem.

Agenda Item Description
Agenda 1.2 Enhancement of the international spectrum regulatory framework
Agenda 1.14 To consider requirements for new applications in the radiolocation service and review allocations or regulatory provisions for implementation of the radiolocation service in the range 30 - 300 MHz, in accordance with Resolution [COM6/14]
Agenda 1.16 To consider the needs of passive systems for lightning detection in the meteorological aids service, including the possibility of an allocation in the frequency range below 20 kHz, and to take appropriate action
Agenda 1.18 To consider extending the existing primary and secondary radiodetermination-satellite service (space-to-Earth) allocations in the band 2 483.5 - 2 500 MHz in order to make a global primary allocation, and to determine the necessary regulatory provisions based upon the results of ITU-R studies
Agenda 1.19 To consider regulatory measures and their relevance, in order to enable the introduction of software-defined radio and cognitive radio systems, based on the results of ITU-R studies
Agenda 1.22 To examine the effect of emissions from short-range devices on radiocommunication services