WRC 2023 Agenda Item Details

Agenda Item: Agenda Item 7
Resolution(s): Resolution 86 (Rev. WRC-07)
Description of work:

This agenda item relates to consideration of possible changes, and other options, in response to Resolution 86 (Rev. Marrakesh, 2002) of the Plenipotentiary Conference, an advance publication, coordination, notification and recording procedures for frequency assignments pertaining to satellite networks, in accordance with Resolution 86 (Rev.WRC-07), in order to facilitate rational, efficient and economical use of radio frequencies and any associated orbits, including the geostationary-satellite orbit.

In particular this relates to:

  1. proposals which deal with deficiencies and improvements in the advance publication, coordination, notification and recording procedures in the Radio Regulations for space services
  2. ensuring these procedures and related appendices, reflect the latest technologies, as far as possible.
Comments: This is a standing agenda item at WRCs over the years as new suggestions keep coming on ways to improve the satellite regulation and coordination process. While often associated with GSO satellite systems, there are also ongoing discussions about non-GSO systems, such as how much variability is acceptable between filed orbit parameters and actual launch values. There are also invitations for the ITU-R to study various topic - for example, see COM5/10 (WRC-19)
Lead Working Party(s): WP 4A
Involved Working Parties:
How Visualyse products can help: Some of the Issues under this AI can require simulation work. For example, analysis on how much interference would vary if orbit parameters and changed or undertaking the studies of aggregate interference from multiple Q/V non-GSO systems into GSO under Resolution COM5/10. Visualyse Professional can be used for these types of studies, able to model both GSO and non-GSO satellite networks and undertake parameter variation and dynamic analysis. Propagation models can be correlated to support analysis of Q/V band downlinks and metrics generated include availability and loss of average through-put.
How Transfinite consultants can help: We can undertake studies including analysis of sharing between the different services covered by this agenda item including FSS, BSS and other services in adjacent bands. We can help identify suitable system characteristics and sharing criteria, and provide contributions and representation at ITU-R Working Parties. Using our in house Visualyse Professional we can quickly model a very wide range of systems, services and scenarios.
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